Friday, October 8, 2010
Happy Birthday VIOLET!
Friday, October 1, 2010
I am looking forward to our time together. I do hope that it will be full of memories, lots of laughs with lots of good freinds.
Dear liver,
I am sorry.
With love,
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
A not-so cool furry animal
Pancit... the celebration dish
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Tennessee, how could you do this to me...
Monday, September 20, 2010
Bad Blogger! BAD!
Not only have been neglecting you, but for awhile there I was neglecting my house. She was looking rough and had Ruckus tumbleweed rolling around everywhere. So I decided it needed some serious reconstructive surgery.We gave her a face lift and gave her a makeover.
Tell me this… why is it… when you go in to a paint store… the color you like… is placed around colors that have the same hue… so it fucks your eyes up and you think you are seeing green but it really BLUE/ green. They tell you that is it green and then you spend $250 on paint and hire out little Mexico to do the work and IT IS STILL BLUE!
Mr. TWRave asked us if we got the paint for free! Umm... low blow Tina, looowww blow. I mean, it is blue but it is just going to take some getting used to. Our master bathroom needed some love too. There were holes everywhere and a fish border that was half torn off, so I invested some time and gave her a little love… and TA DA!!!!! The house and the bathroom may look like the same color but they're not-->the house is called Summer Breeze and the bathroom is Eliza Lucas.
And the cherry on the top would be... Travisimo built me a walk in closet--- he is the best!
And my new walk in closet- now all I need is new clothes. I am working that...
I am sorry for being a bad blogger... I will do what I can to make up for it.
With deepest regret,
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
My very first Tomato Pie

The final picture doesn't look so good, but it was delicious!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Out West... Colorado and Wyoming

Casa de Arnett

The view of their backyard
Our Breakfast spot
Diddo- a spotted saddle horse and Cody- a Tennessee Walker
Me & Travisimo at the top. I am smiling although I was completely out of breath.
The beautiful aspen trees
A little reading out in the open...
Travisimo caught me "ridin' dirty"
Hiking--- yup... hiking.

Travisimo repelling down the mountain side.
Snowy Range Pass

And it ends with a night out in Denver, CO
Monday, July 12, 2010
My deepest apologies if I hurt your feelings.
Think of it this way... It was really fun to write and read about you.
Congrats on the World Cup Win!!!!
Thursday, July 8, 2010
My Soundtrack of Life... College, Heartbreak & Mistake

As my under age drinking days came to an end and I could make it out to clubs in the Queen City legally... I made bad more bad decisions and relied on on songs that although were old made everything better. DJ Sammy's rendition of "Heaven" by Bryan Adams and Mr. Big's "Just to be with you" were two songs that will always remind me that the tears I cried for the Marine and the Charlotte "Jerry" were all for good reason.
There was the Dave Matthews part of my life that was mixed with a little Incubus--- those were "Sexy Time" nights... also known as mistakes. If a guy is playing either of these bands, your head gets foggy and you think you are making out with this...

But really you are making out with this....

Songs like "Lover Lay Down"+ Vodka + Beers = bad decision which led the other Dave Matthews song called "Say goodbye." I mean, I am not genius, but if you mix alcohol, a "sexy time" song and a hot guy---it's never never good at 19, 20 or 21.
College Heartache & Mistake
Soundtrack includes:
"Back dat ass up" - Juvenile
"Thong Song" - Cisco
"My Love don't cost a thing" - J.Lo
"I dont' want to be a playa no more" -Big Pun feat. Joe
"Just to be with you" - Mr. Big
"Walk away" - Ben Harper
"There you go" -P!nk
"Lover Lay Down" - Dave Matthews band
"Heaven" Bryan Adams/ DJ Sammy
"Wish you were here" -Incubus
"Say Goodbye" -Dave Matthews
I obviously was not "good" and only sometimes "good at it."
Monday, July 5, 2010
Celebrate good times... come on!

We shared a room with the Perks and it was so fun! -- not in the "swingers" fun way.
We did have a fire alarm go off at 2:45am- which only Katie and I got up for. We left our husbands passed out. They would rather die in a fire then walk down 14 flights of stairs. Thankfully, there was no fire and we got $30 off our hotel bill for the inconvenience.
Example #1: Spaniard along with the rest of us were on our way to the Wedding luncheon (DAY OF WEDDING) and had to take a Water Taxi to the venue. We get to the dock and no boat.
SIGN SAYS: "Water taxis every 10-15 mins." McNeedy just doesn't understand-- Maybe if it was in Spanish she would. She proceeds to call the Bride to ask her about the Water Taxi situation. WHO DOES THAT?! The bride has other things to deal with McNeedy!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Food for thought...
Let's start with breakfast habits. Just like any normal workplace, coffee is everyone's first choice, but we do have our regular soda drinker- Coke, Diet Coke.
Then we have the "I am on a diet, so instead of dumping a canister of sugar in my coffee, I will just have a extra large McDonald's or Chick-Fil-A sweet tea with extra syrup on top" people, who if they didn't eat so much sugar, would probably be 5-10 pounds lighter.

And if that doesn't get your taste buds going... maybe this will.
Brown Sugar and Cinnamon pop tarts toasted and while still warm spreading butter all over it. Why don't you just eat a tablespoon of sugar and take a bite from a stick of butter and smack on that?!
Please keep in mind this is the same person who comes in to the breakroom and says, "Ewwww! What are you eating?" (my pet peeve) and I nicely say... "Sushi."
Hmmm... Sushi or a Clogged Artery??

We also have the "I am on a diet" co workers who like to say they are going to eat better and well, fail. The "I am on a low carb diet" individual likes to eat rolled up leaves of lettuce and sandwich meat and then down it with a bag of pork rinds. FRIED FAT with spicy seasoning on TOP!!!
As the bag of bag falls from the vending machine, the 60 year old woman says in her baby voice "Ooohhhh I am going to be bad."

0g net Carbs, High and Fat and Sodium