Let's start with breakfast habits. Just like any normal workplace, coffee is everyone's first choice, but we do have our regular soda drinker- Coke, Diet Coke.
Then we have the "I am on a diet, so instead of dumping a canister of sugar in my coffee, I will just have a extra large McDonald's or Chick-Fil-A sweet tea with extra syrup on top" people, who if they didn't eat so much sugar, would probably be 5-10 pounds lighter.

And if that doesn't get your taste buds going... maybe this will.
Brown Sugar and Cinnamon pop tarts toasted and while still warm spreading butter all over it. Why don't you just eat a tablespoon of sugar and take a bite from a stick of butter and smack on that?!
Please keep in mind this is the same person who comes in to the breakroom and says, "Ewwww! What are you eating?" (my pet peeve) and I nicely say... "Sushi."
Hmmm... Sushi or a Clogged Artery??

We also have the "I am on a diet" co workers who like to say they are going to eat better and well, fail. The "I am on a low carb diet" individual likes to eat rolled up leaves of lettuce and sandwich meat and then down it with a bag of pork rinds. FRIED FAT with spicy seasoning on TOP!!!
As the bag of bag falls from the vending machine, the 60 year old woman says in her baby voice "Ooohhhh I am going to be bad."

0g net Carbs, High and Fat and Sodium