Monday, July 26, 2010

Out West... Colorado and Wyoming

Travisimo and I took a vacation out west to my in laws ranch--- My in laws were there, but it was a good trip. Most of you know that I am NOT an outdoorsman, but I got out there and became ONE with nature.

Casa de Arnett

The view of their backyard

Our Breakfast spot

Diddo- a spotted saddle horse and Cody- a Tennessee Walker

Me & Travisimo at the top. I am smiling although I was completely out of breath.

The beautiful aspen trees

A little reading out in the open...

Travisimo caught me "ridin' dirty"

Hiking--- yup... hiking.

Travisimo repelling down the mountain side.


Snowy Range Pass

And it ends with a night out in Denver, CO


  1. beautiful! I am reading Eat Pray Love right now too. These photos are amazing. Looks so peaceful.

  2. Great pics lady. I like the last one! And it made me laugh seeing you on a horse!
